- Go to the Reservations tab inside Whistle
- Click Upload at the top right
- Select saved PMS/Reservation system report with arriving guest data;
- Reservation Id
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone *
- Arrival **
- Departure **
- Room
- Notes
- Upload settings will appear, make sure ALL columns have the correct titles
- Enter Title for upload template - PMS/Reservation name
- Select Skip First Row box to not upload first row report titles
- Click Confirm
[Phone] Format phone number cell in Plain Text format.
[Phone] International Phone numbers must have country code.
[Phone] Phone number spaces, parentheses, and dashes are ok and will be removed
[Arrival/Departure] dates should be formatted as Date or Date time.
[Status] Sets the Reservation status, CANCELLED reservations will be removed.
- Red bar may appear after you upload file, this informs you what rows were not imported due to incorrect data (e.g. not valid phone numbers)
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