Set responses for conversational FAQs
Chatbot Automations
- Basic subscription - 3 Automations
- Premium subscription - 8 Automations
- Enterprise subscription - Unlimited Automations
Step 1: Activate Settings
Step 2: Add Intent Actions & Replies
Step 3: Create Keyword Commands
Step 4: Set Sentiment Actions
Step 5: Enable Booking Engine Integration (if available)
Step 6: Agent Intervention
Step 1: Activate Settings
Go to the Automations tab inside Whistle
Under Chatbot Automations, select Settings
Enable Chatbot Automations and Guest Replies (Live Chat/Guest Chat) to have automations send
- Chatbot Automations - Automated Actions, internal notifications or tickets
- Automation Delay - Determines how long to wait before an intent action is sent, allows time for agent intervention
- Live Chat (Guest Replies) - Automated Replies, answering specific questions within Live Chat
- Guest Chat (Guest Replies) - Automated Replies, answering specific questions within Guest Chat
Step 2: Add Intent Actions & Replies
- While in the Automations tab inside Whistle
Under Chatbot Automations, select the Intent Actions & Replies - with hundreds of responses available, you can go through each section and configure the responses specifically for your property
Booking Online
Food & Drinks
- Service Requests
- Work Orders
- Storage
- Rentals
- Small Talk
Click the down arrow next to the question you wish to adjust to view reply
To edit click the 'Reply to Guest' response text
To add a new response click the plus sign
- To remove old response click the red trash can
- Create Action, select the Message Sentiment - if you don't know what to chose select ANY
- Chose your Action Type
- Create a Ticket - Automatically creates task and dispatches to selected department
- Reply to Guest - Set the response you want the guest to receive
- Notify a Team Chat Channel - Alert a team internally
- Send an Email - Send a custom email to the email address of your choice
- Sent a Text - Create your own customized text alerts
- Enter Response/Trigger
- Add reply button (OPTIONAL - available within Live Chat responses ONLY)
- Intents - Use to suggest an action or response from a guest
- External URL - Link to any website you would like to send the guest
- Date Picker - A calendar view for a guest to be able to pick a date(s)
- Intents - Use to suggest an action or response from a guest
Click Save
- Enable the questions you wish to be automated, limited enablement with subscription plan
Step 3: Create Keyword Commands
Guest messages that match the following keyword commands will have this trigger dispatched.
- While in the Automations tab inside Whistle
- Select the Keyword Command button
- Click + New Command at the top right
- Create Action: Add Command (word/phrase)
- Select the Message Sentiment - if you don't know what to chose select ANY
- Select your Action Type
- Create a Ticket - Automatically creates task and dispatches to selected department
- Reply to Guest - Set the response you want the guest to receive
- Notify a Team Chat Channel - Alert a team internally
- Send an Email - Send a custom email to the email address of your choice
- Send a Text - Create your own customized text alerts
- Enter Response/Trigger
- Click Save
Step 4: Set Sentiment Actions
Guest messages that have the following sentiment (positive, negative) will have this trigger dispatched.
- Go to the Automation tab inside Whistle
- Select Sentiment Triggers section
- Click the + New Sentiment Trigger
- Select Sentiment Category
- Positive
- Negative
- Select the Event Trigger
- Create a Ticket - Automatically creates task and dispatches to selected department
- Reply to Guest - Set the response you want the guest to receive
- Notify a Team Chat Channel - Alert a team internally
- Send an Email - Send a custom email to the email address of your choice
- Send a Text - Create your own customized text alerts
- Enter in Action
- Click Save
Step 5: Enable Booking Engine Integration (if available)
While in the Company tab inside Whistle
Select Integrations section
- Scroll down until you get to the Booking Engine Integrations section and click enable next to your PMS
- Once enabled, you can have the option for guests to book a room, directly within Live Chat. Ask them for their dates of stay, and Whistle will produce real-time rates and availability directly from your booking engine.
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Booking Engine Integration only available for properties utilizing:
Step 6: Agent Intervention
Guest messages that match any intent action & reply questions will showcase a preview of the auto reply to send or cancel (ONLY AVAILABLE WHEN CHATBOT AUTOMATION DELAY IS SET).
- While in a guest message and the message matches an intent action/reply, a suggestion will display
- Click Send and Cancel
- If you do not cancel the automation will send depending on the delay set
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